
Finding the plot

At 75,000 words in, my rate of writing is slowing slightly. This is because I have read my book on Plot and Structure and I think my subconscious has digested it. Now, when I write, a voice at the back of my head asks questions like: how does this scene move the character forward, or… Continue reading Finding the plot

Still writing

Well, I’m doing something quite tricky here, I’m reading a book about plotting (Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell) and I’m still writing my novel. It’s similar to painting a picture and reading a book on how to paint in between times. I can already see differences in how I work. The reason that… Continue reading Still writing

Structuring a novel

I’ve had one of those realisations that initially seemed like an overnight bolt of lightning. But when I analysed it I realised that it’s been brewing in my subconscious for several months at least. Let me explain, I subscribe to various twitter and Facebook feeds aimed at independent and self-published authors and last night, have… Continue reading Structuring a novel