I’m now getting into the flow. This section I’m writing is set in the English Civil War and it has been really tough to get into. I think it’s because the whole period from 1640 through the protectorate to the restoration is immensely complex. It’s all about politics and religion and the role of parliament.… Continue reading Getting into the flow
Tag: structure
Finding the plot
At 75,000 words in, my rate of writing is slowing slightly. This is because I have read my book on Plot and Structure and I think my subconscious has digested it. Now, when I write, a voice at the back of my head asks questions like: how does this scene move the character forward, or… Continue reading Finding the plot
Still writing
Well, I’m doing something quite tricky here, I’m reading a book about plotting (Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell) and I’m still writing my novel. It’s similar to painting a picture and reading a book on how to paint in between times. I can already see differences in how I work. The reason that… Continue reading Still writing
Breaking the rules
Having written my last post about rules and structure, I’m now going to reply to a couple of the comments about breaking the rules. I think in any form of craft or art work breaking the rules is essential, but with some very important provisos. First of all, you must know the rules and preferably… Continue reading Breaking the rules
Structuring a novel
I’ve had one of those realisations that initially seemed like an overnight bolt of lightning. But when I analysed it I realised that it’s been brewing in my subconscious for several months at least. Let me explain, I subscribe to various twitter and Facebook feeds aimed at independent and self-published authors and last night, have… Continue reading Structuring a novel