
>Making Charcoal I

>Right so. The reason I’ve stopped melting things is that I couldn’t afford my charcoal habit! So after some very diligent months of reading Freeglecycle every day I have accumulated everything I need to make my own. Hopefully.

Here’s a big pile of wood, chopped to size, with fire-lighting things and gloves.

Here’s the fire all laid and just getting going.

Nice blaze now. Time to put on gloves and take courage in both hands!

Action shot of me wielding spade to start sealing it off.

Finished article – one slightly smoking wheelbarrow!

I can’t seem to link back to the pictures so here’s the link to my photostream – www.flickr.com/grahams_pictures – if you want to see big shots or indeed any of the other random stuff I take photos of.

In a couple of days I’ll see if it feels cool and whether I feel like digging it up… and then I’ll know if it worked or not.
