>Right so. That didn’t work then! I got maybe a handful of charcoal from the bottom and a lot of charred wood.
So, I listened to what I’d been advised on Creative Living forum and made a nice neat stack of fresh wood on top of kindling…
… waited til it was all nicely alight and blazing…
… then tipped over the barrow again.
But, this time I’m leaving some air gaps around the edge.
Now we really are into trial and error. I’ll just leave it for a bit. At least I know it’s still burning under there with restricted oxygen. If this doesn’t work I’ll bash some holes in the wheelbarrow with a chisel and bury it totally around the edges so I have more control over the amount of air by covering holes. I might also go look for pictures of oil-drum burns and the like to get a rough idea of how much air hole is needed for what size of burn.
Still, as they say, you learn more from things that don’t work!