
The Process of Novel Writing

When I was younger (more naive?) I thought that becoming an author would go something like this. I’d write a novel, by starting at the beginning and writing through to the end. Then I’d send three chapters and a synopsis off to some publishers, one would ask for the full manuscript and I’d get published.… Continue reading The Process of Novel Writing

Beta Readers

I’m now at the stage of needing beta readers. I’ve just been for a wander around the Internet and now have a better idea of what a beta reader is in general and what I’m specifically looking for. The term beta reader is an adaptation of the software term beta tester. This is the first… Continue reading Beta Readers

Categorized as Writing


I have just finished a draft of my novel, Identity. I suppose it’s a second draft although the process to get this far has been a bit convoluted. As mentioned in a previous post, I tend to write very short, then make it longer as I go through and rewrite. With this book, it’s the… Continue reading Finished!