>My brother came down today and we got to messing around in the garage. This is the end result… Here’s a really odd star shaped light we got for Christmas. It’s plugged into this four-way under the stairs: Note the bright orange lawn-mower cable. The other end of that cable is here, in the garage:… Continue reading Solar power
Category: Inventing
>Behold the Chocolate Pyramid
>Right well I’ve gone as far as I can for now. This is it at the moment. I’m still eating chocolate and my Mum and Brother have offered to post down some more wrappers so I can finish off decorating the sides of the pyramid. It’s a bit frustrating as I know it’ll look different… Continue reading >Behold the Chocolate Pyramid
>Lots of tiny pyramids
> PICT1630Originally uploaded by graham_h_miller This is some of them – I think the rest have escaped…
>Lots of tiny pyramids
>See the top of the pyramid looks a bit scruffy because the cardboard is too thick to hold the detail. I can see in my mind’s eye exactly what I want to do – make a mini-pyramid out of a Weetabix box and glue that over the top. But I can’t quite make one that… Continue reading >Lots of tiny pyramids
>Final Mockup
> Final MockupOriginally uploaded by graham_h_miller This is the final mockup before I breakout the wood glue and stick the top to the pyramid. I’ve borrowed a nice long spirit level so I can do it properly… then it’s on to decorating it 😀 Graham