I am pleased to say that I didn’t get too disheartened by the failure of my first attempt and I have now made a whole new dome. Admittedly on a more modest scale, but this one actually worked and has all the right proportions of a dome. It’s also incredibly light, and for it’s weight,… Continue reading Geodesic Dome II
Category: Designing
>OMG one whole month went past!
>There’s a month just gone by. But on the plus side, the garden is well under control. And I am still writing, albeit quite slowly. And I’ve done the entire middle bit of the year planner for 2011. Except for the quarter days, but they can be done in the next couple of days. Either… Continue reading >OMG one whole month went past!
>Now I’m drawing
>I’ve started on the illustrations for my 2011 Lunar Year Planner. I always thought I couldn’t draw too well but I’m quite chuffed with how it’s been going so far. I’m away from my scanner so it’ll have to wait until I can show what I’ve been up to!
>Chocolate art – vote for me!
>Hi http://www.theartofgreenandblacks.com/?artworkId=2511 It’s my Green & Blacks artwork! Vote for me and I could win 700 bars of chocolate… Graham