>Right so. The state of our family so far is that youngest DS has a nursery that he likes (at 2 1/2 he knows his own mind!) and goes there three times a week. Middle DS is going to his local primary and he can walk there with me which is lovely! But the eldest has so far failed with every attempt to get into school. Luckily he’s happy about this and we’re going to start prepping him for the Kent Test.
This does mean that I need to carefully manage my time to get my creative projects underway. I’m about to book an Arvon course – a residential get-away for a week with other writers. This does mean that I’d like to get several thousand words under my belt – if not tens of thousands. That way I’ll be able to use the course to do a major re-write and make the whole book hang together. But if I don’t get enough written, I should be able to make proper progress on getting it written.